Katherine's boy quilt inspired me to make some for my boys. While they don't have any dolls they do have a multitude of buddies (what they call stuffed animals) that join them each night when they go to bed. I followed the tutorial and here is how mine turned out:
Tired of Thomas fabric, I decided to make one for my niece Lucy. The original tutorial calls for these tiny little squares that took forever to sew together and became hard to keep straight, so for Lucy's I increased my square size and quilt size and added the pillow. The quilt top went together much quicker with larger squares.
For the quilting, I used a scrapbooking chipboard flower and traced it on my squares with a diappearing ink pen, then used my sewing machine to quilt it.
Hopefully this little quilt will be keeping Lucy's dolls and buddies warm this Christmas.
You can check out the fun tutorial on Crazy Mom Quilts if you'd like to make one or two yourself. If you know what you're doing (or not really, like me) it's pretty easy to change up the quilt size to suit your needs. This is a great gift idea for any little one in your life that enjoys playing with dolls or even just pretend play like my boys. Just don't call them DOLL quilts. They're BUDDY blankets.