It pretty much goes without saying that I am a pretty crappy blogger. When it comes to my list of things I'm motivated to do during the day, updating this blog is probably number 99 out of 100 (with number 100 being scrapbooking). However, checking and updating my Facebook page probably falls at number 4 (after feeding, schooling my youngins, and crafting sweets).
I figure it would be smarter for me to start a fan page for my shop, since I'm on Facebook anyway, and making stuff for my shop is how I spend my free time -- I haven't really been making other crafts unless they are for school. I won't be shutting down this blog since there come a time I feel the urge to blog, I just don't know when.
The purpose of my facebook page will be to share pictures of my newest creations, share some other cool Etsy shops, share Treasuries that feature my goodies, and my favorite part -- host giveaways. I realized I just don't have a big enough following on my blog for decent giveaways, so Facebook will be where the magic happens. Please join me on Facebook, it should be a lot of fun!