One of my best friends is having her first baby in the next month or so. I am so excited for her and her husband and I knew I had to think of a great gift. Of course it had to be hand made, right? It took me awhile to think of something, but I did. It is hard to tell what this is without actually having a car seat to model it on, but it is an infant car seat cover. They did not have these when I had babies, 'cause believe me, I would have been all over it.

There are two straps that velcro onto the car seat handle so that your baby will be completely covered from sunlight when they are sleeping, prying, germy hands, and the paparazzi.

I found a few tutorials online, but it seemed like the people who made them were just 'winging' it. I found some really great ones on Etsy, but either they were $40 or I didn't like the fabric. I knew I had to take the matter into my own hands. I ended up buying a pattern from
EveryDayChic for just $6. I'd seen some on Etsy that had this cool option of having snaps in the front if you wanted to vent the cover or leave it open just a little for you to peek on your babe - but there were no patterns for that. If I wanted those snaps, I was going to have to wing it (crap).

I managed though. Apparently I am a pro at winging it. I had to also make binding to cover my seam and hand sew on the snaps and buttons to cover the snaps. It was a lot of extra work, but in the end it was worth it. I used random buttons from my stash and it turned out so cute.

My friend is so fun and loves bright, bold prints, I knew this bold, pinky, yellowy, orangey print would be sweet and girly enough for a baby without being pastel and cutesy. I love the orange lining on the inside. Hopefully baby Lucy will like it too. I would definitely recommend the cover pattern to anyone else looking to make one either for themselves or a friend. It took me two days to complete, though without my additions, I think I could have finished it in one morning.
I LOVE it!!!!!